The Brussels Binder is going Beyond!


Studies show that across Europe, media and event organisers are biased against women and the rate of progress towards gender parity has almost ground to a halt. Effective policy only comes from original ideas and equal representation of the diverse population it represents but yet, half of the European population is currently ill-presented in policy, … Continued

Looking for Database Team Coordinator – Part-time


The Brussels Binder – the go-to resource for improving gender diversity in policy debates – is looking for an entrepreneurial person to oversee its activities related to the online management of the Brussels Binder Expert’s database as well as further technical development of the database.   Job description: Coordinates the implementation of the experts database … Continued

1 year, 1000 voices


A few weeks ago, millions of people from all over the world took to the streets for International Women’s Day (IWD). It was a time to celebrate the progress made on women’s rights and to protest that this progress has not achieved enough. Women constitute 43% of the global agricultural labour force, and yet rarely … Continued

We celebrated our first birthday


The Brussels Binder celebrated its 1st anniversary on 27th February with over 270 friends and colleagues. Over the last year, we gathered over 1000 remarkable and inspiring female experts on our database and built a solid network of ambassadors, sponsors, and volunteers. Big thanks go to our supporters and friends who have been part of … Continued

WECAN are fighting for “gender-proof growth”


WECAN, an organisation of women from the business sector, think tanks and EU-institutions from across Europe, are vigorously campaigning to raise awareness about how it is impossible to progress as society without gender equality. They have put together a pledge focused on three distinct goals. Read more about the pledge below, sign it, and then spread … Continued

Our conversation with the Brussels Express


This week we had an opportunity to talk to Rosetti Rivera of Brussels Express. She wanted to get an insight into our philosophy and motivation – what made us want to shake up the Brussels panel-scene? – but also, understand the multifaceted root cause of gender imbalance when it comes to perceiving expertise and inclusion. “’People … Continued

We are hiring!


Do you have project management skills? Are you interested in participating in developing an initiative with important social goals? We are delighted to invite you to apply for the first official position with the BB. In a consortium with Bruegel and the German Marshall Fund, we are looking for a Project Coordinator to help us … Continued

Two (first) big grants won by the BB!


We are happy to announce that we have won two major grants this year from the Open Society Initiative for Europe, within the Open Society Foundations, and the European Commission’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme, DG JUST! Our team has worked hard to put these applications together and was rewarded just in time to … Continued

The Brussels Binder is one year old!


Save the Date for the BB’s first anniversary! The Brussels Binder will be celebrating its first year anniversary on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 in a beautiful venue: the Beursschouwburg, in central Brussels. We are preparing a special programme for our friends and guests, all of which will be revealed next year. Until then, save the … Continued